Monday, August 9, 2010

What? I can't even . . .

Reading Gothamist as per usual and came across this baby. Pop-Tart sushi? Highly questionable. Yes, I will admit that I would be all over the 'pop tart customizer', but WHY IS THERE A WHOLE STORE DEDICATED TO THIS DELECTABLE PSEUDO-BREAKFAST FOOD?

The world may never know...

Except these guys.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saw Inception for the third time last week. The nine year-old me squeals with joy for this Rolling Stone photoshoot. He's still got it.

Quelle suprise!

I received this postcard a few days ago from my friend Ian from Paris. I never get postcards so this is all very exciting. He's been partying studying abroad in Germany for the past five months.

I hope to get to Paris someday.

Erwin Blumenfeld's photo of Lisa Fonssagrives on the Eiffel Tower

I ♥ NY

And check out these shots from Gothamist from the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building. Nausea-induced just looking at these, but what an amazing view!

Friday, August 6, 2010

I came here to drink milk and kick ass...and I've just finished my milk

I can't tell you how much of a fan I am of The 'IT' Crowd. I literally watch it every night before I go to bed. Obsessive? Perhaps. But I love this Brit comedy. Here's a taste

Fang You.

MFP F/W '10/'11

Urban Outfitters

And We're Back

With a vengeance. I won't lie, I completely forgot about this thing. I've been busy

I am currently interning at Jen Kao and designing for Barnes and Noble (Not my stuff, but the winners from the previous year).

I'm hoping I can actually keep up with this thing this time around.